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Twitter for MomBloggers: The Ultimate MomBloggers Guide For Using Twitter

Welcome to Twitter for Mom Bloggers! If you’re new to Twitter, looking to get started or just here to brush up on some of the fundamentals of the site, you’re in the right place. In this guide, I’ll tell you how to use Twitter, how to Increase Your Twitter Followers and how can it help you personally and business-wise. 
But First, the basics:

What is Twitter and What is Twitter all about?

It’s a free social networking micro-blogging platform wherein users tweet (share their thoughts, images, videos and everything else), in 140 characters of text or less. Usually, Profiles on Twitter are public — anyone in the world can see what you write unless you make your profile private like in Instagram. Users “follow” each other in order to see what they are sharing or talking about.
Following people on Twitter is not necessarily an application for friendship or relationship, but just interaction and conversation — at least in short bursts.
Before I take you deep into the Twitter world, there are certain terminologies or jargon of which some are specifically used on Twitter. You might have heard some of them.

Twitter Terminology

These terms and their abbreviations (in parentheses) are essential for understanding the network.
Tweet: A 140-character message.
Retweet (RT): Re-sharing or giving credit to someone else’s tweet.
Feed: The stream of tweets you see on your homepage. It’s comprised of updates from users you follow.
Handle: Your username (like mine is @aMumBlogger).
Mention (@): A way to reference another user by his username in a tweet (e.g. @aMumBlogger). Users are notified when @mentioned. It’s a way to conduct discussions with other users in the public realm.
Direct Message (DM): A private, 140-character message between two people. You can decide whether to accept a Direct Message from any Twitter user or only from users, you are following.
You may only DM a user who follows you.
Hashtag (#): A way to denote a topic of conversation or participate in a larger linked discussion (e.g. #mombloggers, #bbloggers). A hashtag is a discovery tool that allows others to find your tweets, based on topics. You can also click on a hashtag to see all the tweets that mention it in real-time — even from people, you don’t follow.
Twitter has a great online glossary that you can refer back to.
Alright! That was the end of the scholarly part. Let’s discuss practical things that will help you.
Twitter is not like Facebook or Linkedin or Pinterest. Instead, it’s much easier to use Twitter. There are no friendships or relationships on Twitter, Neither requests or applications to interact or converse with someone. However, There is Following and UnFollowing on Twitter, which is much easier and you don’t have to worry about the implications of adding or removing people you follow.
So, don’t hesitate to Follow people on Twitter. Limiting the You Follow to a few can limit the Follow You. Moreover, if you want to stand out and be found by the people you want to be followed by, Start Following them first so that they can find you.
Now the fun part, we are all waiting for;

How to Increase Your Twitter Followers

There are many strategies to increase your Twitter Followers base. I will share some of the tips.
1. Follow as many people as you can. (It’s more likely to follow like-minded people as they usually follow you back). At first, Twitter limits the people you can follow to 2,000.
The more you follow, and they follow back, the more the limit extends. It’s kind of the ratio thing. The ratio of people you follow (following) to people who follow you (followers). Now that you understand, take the leap and start following as many people as you can to hit the limit. You can start with me.
2. Don’t overthink it. You aren’t making a lifetime deal with them. And don’t take too long on whether to follow someone or not. Just Follow. Later on, you will be unfollowing them.
3. All of them will not follow you back so after a few days (as everyone is not that active on Twitter) start unfollowing people to make room to follow new people.

Following the Right People on Twitter

I know it doesn’t make any sense to follow over a thousand people randomly. I guess we were talking about increasing your Twitter followers. Yes?
But following random people solely will not solve the problem. Yes, it would increase the numbers though but we need the right kind of people who can really benefit from us and vice versa.
Who is the right kind of people that we are talking about? Well, I would use the word “like-minded”. Those who are like us, sharing the same interest as we do. Because if you are going to make a successful blog where you want to build an audience base who are really interested in what you write and what you buy. You need those people who think and act like you. You are going to earn money (commission) by selling products (affiliate marketing) to them.
So now, when you know why you need to follow the right people, where/how do you find them?

Finding the right people on Twitter

It’s easier than you thought. Have you ever noticed the followers of any account? Look at the followers of your target companies, businesses or people. If not all, many of them are the right people following their interest.
For example, check out MAC Cosmetics’ Twitter account. You will see that almost all of them are women. And surely they all will be using or are interested in buying MAC’s products. Like I am a big fan of their Charlotte Olympia Lipstick.
Likewise, Find such Twitter accounts whose followers are your target audience. Make a list of those accounts and save them. I heard many people name the list “copy followers” because you are going to copy the followers of that account.
And then start following the followers of that account. You cannot follow them all at once, so do it regularly over time.
They will follow you back if you are of interest to them. Let’s Say you are a makeup company. There are chances they MAC Cosmetics’ followers may also follow you back.
That’s it! Start following and following and following until you grow.
Note: While following, you will hit the limit many times, the solution is to unfollow those people who are not following you back. And you can check this in the “Followers” tab in your Twitter account.


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